Hey all I'm doing alright with the work, and the language is super hard but getting easier. I am in a trio with Elder Lyon and Elder Kershaw and it is terrible being in the Trio but im getting through it with help from the lord. I've gotten so much help from him with all of my problems. Two nights ago i had a rough experience with my comps and i just knelt down and prayed for about 10-15 min. I wanted some help with REALLY knowing that the gospel is true. So we are already teaching a pesquisedor (investigator) her name is Susi and her real name is you'll never believe me but her name is Rachel Pike!!! I didn't really know if it was her at first but then i asked my teacher what her name is and he said it was her. I told him that I knew her and all my comps and my teacher just bust out laughing. The CTM is really hard and trying. I know that the work will get easier with the help of the lord if i ask for it. I know that what im doing is the lords work and i know that it'll get easier.
Im starting to read the BOM all the way through. Its hard to balance personal with language study time. I have the best teachers though, one is Bro. Pinho and another one is Bro. Bitner they are both so helpful with the language and all the problems with the work. I feel like i can talk to them really about anything.
I love you all!!!!
Love Elder Smith (the youngerest)
P.S. Tell people to write me
You will be awesome and you are on the right path. So excited for you.