So this week was a good one, we are working real hard and we are getting lots of results!! This week was a lot of me and Elder Queiroz cuz the assistants went to do splits with the ZLs so we stayed Mon-Fri together we did lots of contacts in the park of the bus station but maybe 2 out of 10 are in our area so that sucks for us cuz we do all the work and the other missionarys get the Baptism, but ohh well!! So this week we have one baptism marked for this Saturday. His name is Djulho and is 10 years old and his G-ma got baptised last saturday and he was there with us for all the lessons and so he wanted to get baptised as well so we marked for him this week and we talked to his parents and they said thats alright!!! So this week we got one then next week will be another and the week after that will be a weekly baptising here in Piracicaba!!! The work is hard but the results are worth it!!! I still HATE waking up at 6:30 i dispise it!!!!! And doing excersises with out stuff to do just jump around is not me!!! I need to go out and do somthing!! But i just "stretch" in my bed untill its my turn to take a shower! KKKK Yea so the Portuguese from here is like the English from the states and the Portuguese from Portugal is like English from England but we will for sure be able to understand one another. and its Tudo Bem. Well thats this week
Love Elder Smith
what you going to do today?
Prolly go kick the ball around at out complex idk
Best thing about your companion?
He helps me be a better missionary. And he walks faster then satan on sunday!!
Have you been comps yet with Walstir's nephew?
Almost every day! We are comps when the APs have office stuff to do!
I asked some questions in an email you said you didn't get so (right after mother's day...when we talked on skype) try to send them in here...just basically this question...
Write the things you wanted again? Creamy or chunky peanut butter?