Yesterday i completed a year and FOUR months with only 7 to go!!! But the mission is a good thing that will help for the rest of my life!!!
Love Elder Smith
What you gonna do today?
What you gonna do today?
Clean the house cuz its a mess!!!!
How is your family progressing?
The one we found a while ago is starting to slack on going to church and the W.O.W so we go there every now and again to give a lesson but we are focussing on this new family that needs to get married!!
I sent the quilt along...get the other package yet?
Thats neet i got the package a while ago just forgot to say so... woops
Got any pictures to send me? I don't think we have one of your companion or your fake companion.
I havent taken a pic with my REAL comp cuz we hardly have time together
One thing you love about your companion...either one...
Super good at teaching
Have you been collecting good food recipes from people? So you'll have a collection and can cook them or I can? How bout those cheese balls?
Not yet but ill get on that!!!
Hey so this monday i wont be able to get on cuz we have a rule here that all the holidays we have to leave the house at 8 AM and this monday just happens to be a holliday its Brazils independence day so we have to work it instead of celerbrate but on wednesday will be our p-day for this week then it goes back to normal! I dont like it but its what Pres said to do so we gots to do it!!

Hey so this monday i wont be able to get on cuz we have a rule here that all the holidays we have to leave the house at 8 AM and this monday just happens to be a holliday its Brazils independence day so we have to work it instead of celerbrate but on wednesday will be our p-day for this week then it goes back to normal! I dont like it but its what Pres said to do so we gots to do it!!